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Stainless Steel Electropolishing

Elevate your metal finishing standards with our expertise in transforming surfaces to brilliance and durability.

Electropolish Logo Electropolish

Stainless Steel Electropolishing

Elevate your metal finishing standards with our expertise in transforming surfaces to brilliance and durability.

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Why Electropolish?

Stainless Steel is chosen for architectural and industrial applications because it looks good, is long lasting and requires minimal maintenance. In principle that is correct however that is only the case if the Stainless Steel material has been properly finished.

At Electropolish we have developed a solution to this problem. It is an electrochemical process that preferentially dissolves the iron molecules that cause rusting, without affecting the rest of the material.

Australian owned
Located in Sydney (Botany)
All processing done inhouse
Environmentally friendly

How does it work?

Electropolishing is an effective method of surface cleaning, which also results in removing oxides and iron from the metal surface. It also preferentially dissolves iron and hence improves the Cr-Fe ratio of the surface layers. It alters the surface appearance by smoothing, “electrochemical polishing” of the surface significantly improves the corrosion resistance.

Whilst this process is very effective, it usually involves dismantling of the structure and removing it to a bath where the polishing process is carried out, generally making it relatively expensive for remedial treatments. Ideally electropolishing should be done immediately after fabrication but prior to the initial installation.

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Key Features

  Facility Size: 3000 square meters

  Staff: 10-15 skilled professionals

  Tank Dimensions: 6.1 m (L) x 1.2 m (H) x 0.8 m (W)

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